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How Long Do Hair Transplants Last?

Hair transplant techniques have evolved considerably since their initial introduction. Current techniques offer natural-looking solutions with long-term effects. Select the best Hair transplant in Turkey cost.

However, it’s essential to keep in mind that results won’t happen overnight; give it time! Hair follicles will shed their scabs within weeks after surgery before entering a resting phase until new hair begins growing back in.

The procedure

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which healthy hairs are transplanted into areas of balding or thinning scalps, typically through either Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Your dermatologist may choose one of two procedures – Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Before initiating either procedure, the surgeon cleans your head before administering medicine to numb the area where the transplant will take place. Depending on its size, this process may take anywhere between 4 and 8 hours to complete, depending on its complexity.

Once your doctor has finished administering anesthetics, they will create holes or slits in your scalp where the grafts will go using either a scalpel or needle to make holes or slits for placement of the grafts. Grafts will be carefully placed using forceps or needles so as not to burrow beneath the skin, causing an “orange peel” appearance or pitted effect.

Once the grafts are in place, your physician will advise that you wear a hat or scarf to shield the area from direct sunlight and provide specific aftercare instructions – which include not using too solid shampoos or helmets and refraining from touching or poking at them. Adhering to these instructions closely and following them to a T will help your new hair grow faster; it could take anywhere between three to nine months for growth to start taking hold.


After surgery, patients should rest for five to seven days following transplant surgery. While they will likely be able to wash their hair generally without touching any transplanted follicles, particular precaution must be taken not to touch or disturb any transplanted follicles that were transplanted during this time. A spray will often be provided to keep the area moist while aiding healing; during this period, most individuals should refrain from engaging in strenuous physical activities or direct sunlight to decrease scarring or discoloration risks.

After this timeframe has elapsed, both donor and recipient areas of the scalp will begin to heal, although there may be some itchiness and discomfort as scabs form and then fall off – this is normal. However, any instructions for care must be followed carefully.

As part of the natural healing process, some native hairs in both donor and recipient areas may be shed as part of their natural shedding cycle. Although this may be disconcerting at first, transplanted follicles will continue to thrive and grow back stronger over time.

Some patients will need to return to work shortly after surgery; others may require more time off in order to allow their bodies to heal fully. It is strongly advised that patients wear a hat for several weeks following surgery in order to protect against sun exposure that could potentially cause discoloration or scarring.


Hair transplants can restore fullness to a bald or thinning head. Although results of hair transplants won’t become immediately evident, newly implanted hairs typically take several months to grow out fully and become noticeable. Your surgeon should provide realistic expectations and a timeline for results to become evident. It should also be noted that results may vary depending on factors like quality, thickness, color, and remaining strand count – generally, coarse, light-colored hair offers the most coverage.

Hair restoration procedures often consist of multiple surgical sessions. Each session typically entails between 150 to 300 grafts; however, more than one may be necessary; usually, between six and eight-month healing intervals between sessions are recommended by surgeons.

Following your procedure, the grafts may rest slightly above your scalp for some time after healing has taken place. You mustn’t touch or rub them as this could cause them to come loose and possibly fall out altogether. Likewise, oil-based products or tight clothing could damage them further and lead to their removal.

For both procedures, your surgeon will first trim and anesthetize the donor area on your scalp (known as the donor area). They then remove a strip of skin (sometimes as long as the width of your ears) from this donor site and separate it into smaller fragments – or grafts – including round-shaped punch grafts that contain 10-15 hairs; mini-grafts which contain two to four hairs; and micro-grafts which have just one or two. Your surgeon will then create small holes with either a scalpel or needle to insert these grafts into your recipient site (known as recipient site).


As part of your recovery period, you must follow your surgeon’s instructions precisely in order to achieve optimal results. You may need to stay off work or limit physical exercise for some time; furthermore, transplanted areas must be protected from the sun by wearing a hat; swimming should also be avoided as exposure to water can dislodge or damage grafts, tight headwear can put undue pressure on them which causes poor healing, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can further impede this process as can smoking and excessive alcohol consumption which in turn further complicates matters when healing occurs – in both cases this recovery phase!

After your surgery, it is vitally important to keep up a consistent routine for washing your hair regularly. Our clinic will provide a special shampoo and foam that should be applied twice daily on transplanted areas of the scalp; use regular shampoo on other hair. Any itching may appear, but this usually signals successful healing – should it become severe, we can prescribe an antihistamine pill as a relief.

Once transplanted hair begins growing back, it will spread at its usual rate and thicken with age. You should expect regular haircuts for its maintenance to achieve full results within 12 months post-transplant.