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What Questions Should I Ask a Managed IT Company Before Hiring Them?

What Questions Should I Ask a Managed IT Company Before Hiring Them?

Across most industries, companies tend to spend around 8 percent of their budget on technology. That’s money that could go into marketing or salaries, it’s money that could to other places. And if there is an issue with the company’s technology, they could end up spending even more.

That’s why it’s usually best for businesses to sign up with a managed IT company. These are companies that essentially set up your company’s technology for you. They run your networks, set up your computers, and equip your staff with the necessary technology to do their jobs.

The process of signing up with one is simple, but finding the right one is hard. Keep reading below to learn more about how to find the right managed IT services for you!

Is the Managed IT Company Scalable?

All business owners want their companies to do one thing: to grow. Most people dream of opening new locations and hiring more people on to the staff. They want to see the company’s brand at big events while also helping lead their industry.

To grow like that though, they need their technology to scale correctly. As the company grows, it can be limited by small networks that have data caps or limited bandwidth. Something as simple as inadequate cloud storage could keep a company from growing.

So, business leaders should ask managed IT companies if they have plans for growing companies. Most firms will show you specific plans tailored to your industry. For example, Architecture IT Services will show you how they can help your specific company grow.

Those plans may include thresholds for when businesses should move onto them, as well as specific prices.

How Does the IT Department Protect Data?

Cybersecurity is one of the most important elements of any kind of business. If you don’t have top-of-the-line security, then you are paying a risk game. Hackers are constantly prowling for vulnerable networks, looking for ways to break into company data.

With that data, they can do more than just make a quick dollar. They can damage your company’s brand, putting client and customer information at risk. A successful cyberattack can make clients think twice about doing business with you.

It will take a while to recover from a reputation like that, and the company will lose money. It’s best not to risk it and make sure the managed IT company implements strong security protocols.

Are There Any Deals For a Small Business Owner?

As a business owner, you should always be on the lookout for ways to save money. Managed IT services should not be any different, and it’s always worth asking if the company will cut you a bargain. Most of the time, they are more than happy to arrange a specific price for your company.

And if the service also works with companies in your local area, they will be more likely to show you some grace. There are also a lot of benefits to companies in the same city working together. They can communicate easier, and if there is an issue, you can reach out directly to the IT team.

Always Ask if the Company is Right For You

The most important question to ask isn’t one that you need to ask a managed IT company. Instead, you need to ask yourself if the company is right for you. No two IT companies are exactly alike, and you need to examine every part of the business.

Look at the brand and decide if it matches your own company’s values. Also, look over its prices and see if it matches your budget. And after doing all that, you also need to ask about how long it will take to set up the company’s systems.

However, it’s always worth it to find the right managed IT service. Keep reading our website to learn more about how important your company’s technology is to its success.