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Air courier / freight forwarder or shipping service concept : Boxes, a truck, white plane flies over a laptop, depicts customers order things from retailer sites via the internet and ship worldwide.

How to Ship a Package Internationally

How to Ship a Package Internationally

Can you believe that over 130 billion packages were shipped across the world in 2020 and that this number is expected to double in 2026?

Having the option to ship something overseas in record time is one of the greatest conveniences of the modern age. However, some people are a bit unsure of how the process even works.

Do you want to ship something to another country with the least amount of headaches possible? Keep reading to learn all about how to ship a package internationally.

Make Sure The Package Is Secure

If you want to know how to ship a package, then be sure to pack it with care. Since it’s going on a longer journey than the average package, you’ll want to avoid damaging the contents on the way there. It’s a good idea to use plenty of packing peanuts, bubble wrap, and whatever else you have on hand.

You should reinforce the box with extra tape so that there’s no way it can break open during the trip. Before you put the tape down, shake the box a bit to see if the contents move around. A well-packaged item shouldn’t slide around in the box because that increases the chance of it getting damaged.

Fill Out a Customs Form

When it comes to shipping a package, you must fill out a customs form. You can either do this online or in person. The customs form should have your full name, your address, and a list of the contents of the package. There’s also a part on the form that asks the value of each item.

Without this customs form, a post office can’t accept your package for international shipping.

Decide on a Shipping Service

Are you still wondering how to ship packages internationally? Some shipping services are more suited to international delivery than others. For instance, it’s often much more expensive to ship a small or medium package with USP than it is with the United States Postal Service.

If you want to save money without sacrificing quality, then check out these shipping and mailing services.

Don’t forget to write out the destination address in full and in a clear manner. The last thing you’d want is for a postal service employee to squint when trying to decipher the address. It should also be affixed to the top of the box.

Now You Know How to Ship a Package Internationally

Now that you’ve learned all about how to ship a package internationally, you can make sure each of your packages gets to where they need to go. Be sure to let your friends and family members know how they can send packages overseas as well.

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