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How To Make Family Pet Care a Team Effort

How To Make Family Pet Care a Team Effort

Did you know that 70% of households in the US, or 90.5 million families, own at least one pet?

The US is a pet-loving country, but taking care of pets is no cakewalk. Although they’re cute and cuddly, pets require a ton of work to keep them clean, healthy, and happy.

In most American households, taking care of the family pet requires a combined effort from all family members. Indeed, family pet care is the way to go when caring for pets. However, coordinating responsibilities and roles is easier said than done.

If you’re having trouble taking care of your pet(s) as a family, we’re here to help. In today’s post, we’ll be showing you, the pet owner, how you can involve the entire family in taking care of your pet.

How the Kids Can Help

Kids love their furry little friends. In fact, they love them so much that it’s easy for moms to get a tad jealous, but we digress. Kids can play an active role in taking care of the family household pet. Some responsibilities they can handle include:


Pets need to be fed at least twice a day to remain strong and healthy. Kids between the ages of 6 and 10 can help fill the pet’s bowl when it’s time to feed the pet. They can also ensure the bowl remains clean for the next feeding session.


Water goes hand-in-hand with feeding the pests. As such, you can also let the kids fill the pet’s water bowl. However, keep a watchful eye on them, so they don’t throw anything harmful into the water.

Like humans, pets need fresh, clean water to remain strong and healthy. Your kids will be more than happy to refill your pet’s water bowl.

Playtime and Exercise

Pets need to exercise regularly to stay fit and avoid obesity. According to the American Heart Association, dogs should get at least 30 to 45 minutes of exercise every day. Walking the dog is a family activity that kids enjoy.

Your kids will also love playing with the family pet. Just make sure they don’t play too rough.


Depending on the type of pet you have, grooming may be required on a daily or weekly basis. Brushing the dog’s fur is one activity that kids can help with. Just be sure to supervise them, so they don’t pull the fur too hard.

You can also involve your kids in bathing the family pet. However, be careful, as some pets don’t take too kindly to baths.

So, there you have it—a few ways your kids can help take care of the family pet. It’s worth noting that you shouldn’t involve kids under the age of 3 in pet-caring activities. All they do is try to eat the pet and pull on their tail and fur.

It’s important to let the kids know that they’re playing an important role in taking care of the pet. Make sure you call their responsibilities “super special” or “very important.” This will make them feel like they’re really doing their part in taking care of the family pet, which they are.

How Teens and Adults Can Help

Teenagers and adults have less free time on their hands. As such, they might not be too eager to engage in pet-caring activities. However, on the flip side, they’re much better at keeping time and handling the aforementioned activities.

That said, teenagers and adults can do the following to take care of the family pet:

Train Them

If you have a puppy or a kitten, it’s important that you train them properly. This will ensure they grow into well-behaved pets. Teens and adults are much better at training pets because they’re better at following instructions.

If you have a dog, you can start with basic commands like sit, stand, paw, and the rest. Cats are harder to train, but the good news is that most cats are born potty-trained.

Schedule and Taking The, to Vet Checkups

Pets need to see the family veterinarian at least once a year for a check-up. Teenagers and adults can schedule these appointments and take them to the said appointments.

Teenagers and adults are better at explaining symptoms to the vets. Plus, kids can’t drive the dog or cat to the vet. Let teens and adults handle all medical aspects of pet care.

They can also administer medication to the family pet as per the vet’s instructions.

Take Them Out to Socialize the Pets

All pets need to socialize with their species. This can be hard to do when they’re cooped up in the house all day. Try taking them to the park so they can socialize with other pets.

This is something that teens and adults can do on their own. Just make sure you go to a pet-friendly place. Also, watch your pets carefully because other people’s pets may not be that friendly.

Pick Up After Them

It’s not the most exciting part of taking care of your pet, but someone has to do it. Kids can do it because they might eat or be careless with the droppings. It’s common for pets to leave their “business” everywhere, especially dogs.

Teens and adults can be responsible for picking up after their pets’ mess. This can be in the house or when taking a walk outside. Wherever you go, remember that your pet’s “business” is your business.

If you own a pet urn for your departed pets, it’s also the teens’ and adults’ job to keep it clean and away from moisture.

If you recently lost a pet, you can cremate them and get a beautiful urn for them from

Ensure Proper Dental Health

Last but not least, teens and adults should ensure the family pet has good dental health. This means brushing their teeth regularly. It also means letting them chew on their favorite chew toys to strengthen their teeth and gums.

These are roles that teens and adults will have no problem playing in taking care of the family pet. The only responsibility grandparents should have is to watch the pets and keep them company.

Family Pet Care Simplified

Any member of the family can play an active part in taking care of the family pet. In fact, family pet care should be a breeze with the information above. Just don’t forget the annual vet check-ups and ensure you involve everyone in the family except the babies and grandparents.

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